Dr. Rebecca Showalter
Dr. Showalter is a licensed clinical psychologist; she received her doctorate degree in clinical psychology from the Institute for the Psychological Sciences (now known as Divine Mercy University) and is a member of the CPA (Catholic Psychotherapist Association). Currently, Rebecca serves as the Director of the Assessment Center at St. Raphael with the goal of making comprehensive psychological evaluations available to the greater Denver community. She focuses on working with families to identify academic, behavioral, and emotional issues with children and adolescents as well as psychological evaluations for adults looking to enter religious life or learn more about their own psychological functioning, strengths and weaknesses. Rebecca specializes in Therapeutic Assessment which is a collaborative testing process in which the clients take active roles in the process, gain first-hand insight into their functioning, and develop tools and skills for real change in their lives. Rebecca has received training in psychological assessment, non-directive child-centered play therapy, Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy, and is a certified Myers Briggs practitioner. Her passion is to bring sound psychological practices to the service of the Catholic Church and Christian community.