Dr. Dianna Haas
Dr. Dianna Haas has worked as a psychotherapist with all populations in private practice, state and county agencies, schools, and with healthcare organizations since 2005. She has provided individual and group counseling, family therapy, psychological assessments, and psychoeducation groups within the scope of her services. She has offered solutions for mental health issues such as depression, grief and loss, anxiety, trauma, relationships, parenting, school problems, life changes, and chronic health conditions.
Her experience in the mental health field began in 1986. She has worked with all populations in a variety of settings including a community center board, State Departments of Local Affairs; Labor; and Vocational Rehabilitation. Additionally, she worked in a Post-Secondary Community College and K-12 School District. All of her professional experience has encompassed mental health services.
Her education includes a Ph.D in Counseling Psychology, MA in Rehabilitation Counseling and Vocational Evaluation, and BA in Psychology. She is licensed through the State of Colorado. Specialty training includes trauma therapies and Experiential Play Therapy.
Her practice is within a small rural town where several outlying rural communities utilize mental health services. She has experience with various types of mental health needs working closely with other rural systems to help people seeking services. There are people from every population who seek mental health treatment from her practice. Mental health practice in a small rural area is a specialty involving individually tailored treatments. A predominant factor of Dr. Haas’ practice is collaboration to find the best fit for each person.
She has had contracts with child protection agencies to work with either children or parents in crisis due to abuse and neglect issues. She has worked in private practice and in school settings with adolescents helping from serious issues with self-harm to minor adjustment disorders. Working as an Integrated Behavior Health Therapist in a primary care clinic, Dr. Haas has been in a collaborative role with medical providers and psychiatric providers continuing to involve a varied population.
Dr. Haas’ philosophy of mental health care is concerned with overall physical, mental, and spiritual health. Her counseling is designed to contribute to the vitality and vigor of the individual seeking purpose and direction.
Graduate School: Capella University
Graduate School: University of Northern Colorado
Specialty: Rural Mental Health Therapy