
Meetings: 12 Step Basics

Meetings: 12 Step Basics


So how do you know you belong in a meeting? The 12 Traditions of the 12 Step programs address this in Tradition 3: The only requirement for (A.A.) membership is a desire to stop (drinking). Thus, eligibility to attend is based off of having a common problem and having the desire to be free of it. It really is that simple..."

A Political Examination of Conscience

A Political Examination of Conscience

"...My favorite illustration is to look at Margaret Sanger’s own family experience. She was the founder of Planned Parenthood. Her family system was rife with trauma and broken attachments (psychology speak for poor relationships). If her family had been striving for healing how would the world be different? Its important to note her family was Catholic too. What did they fail at? They did not strive to be healthy in every facet of family life and what is more they were not able to make their faith practical. Faith must work in our families in order for us to make use of psychology and science to be healthier, progressing families. We don’t need to be perfect but rather making progress. The family is the cell of society, the smallest divisor of government.  When, with God’s grace, we make our families well, we make politics and society well too."