It's all about the fundamentals

It’s all about the fundamentals.

Here are the 3 basics of prayer we always forget:

Tip #1: Preparation ⌚

Our lives are often wall-to-wall busy. Once we finish one task, we immediately jump into the next.

Typically, we take this same approach with our prayer time. If we only have 15 minutes to pray, we waste no time getting started.

Instead, give yourself a few minutes to let the previous task leave your mind and to quiet yourself.

Try sitting down and just being still before you start reading scripture or speaking with the Lord.

Even if this takes your time from 15 minutes to 10 minutes… those 10 minutes will be so much more valuable.

Tip #2: Environment

Always make sure you find a quiet and comfortable space where you are free of distractions. Even if you have incredible concentration, you will always lose some kind of peace in a distracting environment.

If you can’t make a dedicated prayer space, try turning off nearby screens, closing your eyes, or face towards a Catholic icon (crucifix, painting, etc.) before prayer. This can help reduce the clutter in front of you while you sit with the Father.

Tip #3: Accept that it can’t be perfect

While preparing beforehand and setting up a prayer environment are ideal, they aren’t always possible.

Don’t let the lack of perfection stop you from praying. Always do the best you can to create the space and time you need, but know that if you can’t… God is still with you.

Continue to pray when possible. Whether it is while doing the dishes, driving to work, or some other part of your day. Work for the ideal, but when that isn’t possible remember that God is the one who truly makes prayer fruitful.