Individual Therapy

Therapy You Can Trust

The psychological care your receive from your therapist will be in-line with Catholic teaching. You can experience emotional healing that will help you continue to deepen your own faith.

When you call in, you will be matched with a therapist who can meet you right where you are at in your journey, and can provide you with the tools and insight you are looking for. We work with children, adolescents, and adults across a range of clinical issues Treatment specialization includes:

• Therapy for Depression and Anxiety
• Trauma Recovery and EMDR
• Grief Counseling
• Work Issues and Vocational Discernment
• Stress Management
• Addiction & Recovery
•Spiritual Growth

Each therapist will work with you, to make sure the care you receive is highly personalized and tailored to your clients individual needs. Everything we do is to help you attain the growth and healing that is personal to your journey.