...One of the reasons that therapy has an open-ended timeline is because it is specifically tailored to each individual. There are many approaches and techniques used by therapists that apply broadly to certain conditions, such as anxiety or marital problems. However, the application of those approaches and techniques will vary from person to person or couple to couple. Research has shown that no matter what theory or technique a therapist uses, the primary mechanism of healing is the relationship between a therapist and client. Developing a relationship takes time. And that means that therapy takes time.
What We can Learn from Jesus and Therapists
...The revelation of Jesus comes to us in a powerful way through the Gospels which describe his interaction with different people. In these encounters, Jesus relates to people in a way that seems to always produces some type of spiritual and psychological growth. There are few people whom Jesus encountered who grew and changed as much and as quickly as a tax collector named Zacchaeus (Lk 19: 1-10). This story is of a man who climbs a tree to escape the crowds and make great effort to see Jesus for himself. To Zacchaeus’ surprise, Jesus not only sees him but says to him...