
Capturing Joy

Capturing Joy

...Let me explain. It is often difficult to maintain a state of happiness and grace the whole day. Happiness deterrents include traffic, screaming children, bills to be paid, deadlines at work, and the constant struggles of living as a Catholic in today’s culture. You would think that these would rob us of our joy. However, joy isn’t necessarily influenced by the constant state of flux in our lives. Christ offers us joy, just as He has from the beginning of human’s existence...

Between Stimulus and Response Is the Answer to Anxiety.

Between Stimulus and Response Is the Answer to Anxiety.

...When we become distracted and our minds are preoccupied with the future, it can be very helpful to bring ourselves back to the present, which is where God’s grace is! The future is not yet, and God gives us the graces we need when we need them, and not a moment before. When we think too much about the future we cannot appreciate the present, which is all we really have. The future, when it arrives, will become our present, and if we do not learn to orient ourselves better to the present moment, the future will never arrive. We will end up spending most of our time and energy directed toward something that does not exist and perpetually miss out on what God is trying to give us right now. ..