Research shows there is no question that what goes on in the gut impacts our mental health. This can be for good or bad.
One example we can all relate to, is that sleepy state we feel after eating a bunch of turkey at Thanksgiving. This effect comes from eating an excessive amount of Tryptophan. Tryptophan helps the brain build hormones in the brain suchs as Melatonin (good for sleep) and Seratonin (good for your mood).
While we don’t want to consume to excess; basically, eating foods with Tryptophan gives the brain materials to help you have good sleep and a good mood.
We can contrast this with the experience of the sugar blues, which we often experience the day after eating too much sugar. This is because sugar creates a hormone imbalance and our body and our mind has to work hard to adapt to it.
While these are small examples of how our mental health is impacted by our diet, these effects can add up to big (both good and bad) effects.
Here are three amazing foods to help stabilize your mental health:
Walnuts (good source of omega fats too!) 💪
Eggs 💪
Beans 💪
Also, to better understand how you are impacted by food, I recommend you start a food journal. Make a daily list of things you eat, what time you eat, and how you feel 15 mins after the meal. Finally, record how your mood was overall at the end of the day.
You may be surprised at how much insight you gain by doing this simple process. You will be well on your way to improving mental health through this process of learning how your gut is impacting your brain.