The Perfect Time to Start Gratitude

“Let’s go around the table and each share something we’re grateful for.”

You’ve probably experienced a family Thanksgiving where this has happened. Sometimes it can feel a little cliche, but Thanksgiving really is the perfect time to start a practice of gratitude in your life.

The effects of gratitude is research backed and very compelling. It improves our ability to cope with depression, anxiety and addiction significantly among many other things. The beauty of Thanksgiving is that it shifts gratitude from an individual practice to something our whole community is doing. The effects of this are further amplified as we can more easily how it’s benefiting others as well.

There are many ways to practice gratitude:

  • Journaling a list of 10 things

  • Reciting words that elicit gratitude when deep breathing

  • Sending texts of appreciation to loved ones and coworkers

  • Making sticky notes for your bathroom mirror, etc.

Start by reflecting on what the holiday itself gives us. Focus on the fact that we are not alone when we’re with family. Be grateful that time, energy, and sacrifice has been put into sharing a meal together. Be grateful for the ability gather with friends, even if you aren’t able to be with family for the holiday.

Contemplate these areas, then grow to practice gratitude beyond the Thanksgiving holiday.

Finally, if you are blessed to know the power of the Mass, it is a profound experience of gratitude.

The greek word, from which we get the word Eucharist, actually means “thanksgiving.” It was chosen in recognition that the sacrifice of the Mass is primarily a thanksgiving sacrifice. We offer up Christ’s Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, on Calvary, in gratitude for God freeing us from our sins and the eternal punishment they merit.

In exchange He has offered us himself, to be united to Him by receiving Him into ourselves. Truly something to practice the greatest gratitude over!

Let’s us reap the full mental health benefits of gratitude and bring ourselves in thanksgiving to the holy Mass. May your holidays be filled with gratitude, peace and God’s grace!